CEGMAN uses a ” Project Team ” approach along the life time of projects , this approach uses “Principal-in-Charge”, and “Project Manager” to orchestrate the work and Co-ordinate among designers, programmers, planners, consultants, and construction personnel and communicate with all involved parties.
This approach enables each PM to plan, procure and control all contracts and related tasks for the assignment, defines procedures and responsibilities, and control activities’s schedule for the successful execution of design and construction, including common elements through the life time of each project.
ــ Cost Management
ــ Time Management
ــ Quality Management
ــ Risk Management
ــ HR Management
ــ Communication Management
ــ Procurment Management
ــ Documents Management
Progress Report to monitor and analysis the followings
- Status of activities and their progress.
- Delayed activities and shifted milestones.
- Consultant solutions to recover delayed activities.
- Highlighting data or endorsements delayed by Client.
- Any difficulties facing Consultant that may cause delay.
- New unplanned essential activities raised during work.