- Sustainable Development through an Integrated Resource-based Development Plan.
- Enhance and develop the use of Renewable Energy in existing and new communities.
- Achieve environmental improvement and resource conservation.
- Enhance resilience towards climate change, natural hazards and risk management.

- Socio-economic effects associated with change in demographics, employment opportunities, income levels, the influx of construction workers and population increase in longer term.
- Address issues of artisanal and small scale mining and aboriginal residents.
- Conclude Net Economic Value considering existing and potential commercial and non-commercial sectors.
- Study the Socio-Economic Assessment and the Environmental Assessment results and demonstrate synergies and trade-offs at the overall level.
- Assess the environmental viability with a Strategic Environmental Assessment
- The impact of the developments proposed will be estimated with regards to various indicators.
- Urban impact assessment.

- The adverse impact of atmospheric emissions on air quality in and around the area.
- Methods for reducing environmental impact of transportation.
- Environmental and social effects of proposed energy based projects.
- Potential adverse effects on the water quality.
- Measures aimed at reducing the CO2 emissions and final energy consumption.
- Specification of environmental risks and areas that need to be protected
- Identification of potential sources of adverse effects on the environment and measures to mitigate these
- Identification of strategies to enhance sustainability in energy and natural resources management